Intervenció Infermeria al PAE-TPI (1ªEd.)


These training actions are organized by the General Subdirectorate for Professional Organization and Development-General Directorate of Health Professionals in collaboration with the General Directorate of Health Planning and Research. The recipients of these trainings are the professionals of the PAE-TPI of the Xarxa de Salut Mental i Addicions de Catalunya .

Cal inscriure’s through this link before November 16 at 12 noon.

The sessions are carried out through the MindExcellence Training Platform , promoted by the Cluster. The registered people open an email with the user and password to be able to access the platform.

Dates, program and registration:

Friday, November 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Nursing Intervention (NOU),  Program and Registration .


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